Custom actions can be defined in the section config.
Actions can be:
- slideout: predefined, opens the entry in a slideout editor.
- delete: predefined, deletes the entry (with user confirmation).
- view: predefined, open the entry url in a new tab (experimental for non-live entries).
- compare: integration, shows a comparison draft <-> current in a slideout. *)
- relationships : integration, shows the relationships for an entry in a popup. **)
- release: integration, apply draft ***)
- A custom javascript function.
- A CP link to a page provided e.g. by a custom module.
- A custom controller action (executed with user confirmation).
- A template opened in a slideout or popup.
*) Requires work
plugin. This is currently private, but an old PoC version (ported to Craft 4) is available here.
**) Requires elementmap
plugin. This is currently private, but an old PoC version (ported to Craft 4) is available here.
*** Since 5.3. Requires package
plugin. PoC version is available here
'slideout', // Predefined actions
Link to CP page
and draftId
parameters will be added to the url.
->label('See version history')
By default, links are opened in a new tab. Set cpUrlTarget
to an empty string to open them in the current tab.
Call a JavaScript function
Call a custom JavaScript function.
->label('See version history')
function myApp_publish_release(label, elementId, draftId, title, sectionPath, sectionPageNo)
Use sectionPath, sectionPageNo if you want to refresh the section html via co_getSectionHtml
Call a Controller action
and draftId
params will be posted to the action.
Requires that the controller action returns ->asSuccess(message)
or ->asFailure(message)
Takes care of displaying cp notice/error, redirect/refreshing the section html.
->label('Publish all entries that belong to this package')
Controller example
// modules/main/controllers/ContentController.php
namespace modules\main\controllers;
use Craft;
use craft\helpers\UrlHelper;use craft\web\Controller;
class ContentController extends Controller
public function actionPublishRelease()
$elementId = Craft::$app->request->getRequiredBodyParam('elementId');
$draftId = Craft::$app->request->getBodyParam('draftId');
if ($draftId) {
return $this->asFailure("We cannot do anything with a draft.");
// The magic happens here.
return $this->asSuccess("We did something with id: $elementId");
// May also contain a redirect and notification details
return $this->asSuccess(
"We did something with id: $elementId",
UrlHelper::cpUrl('work/summarize', {id: $elementId}),
['details' => 'Additional information']
Slideout template
Open a custom template in a slideout.
Recommended for longer content.
Variables sectionConfig
, entry
will be available in the template
Shows 'info' icon by default
Popup template
Open a custom template in a popup.
Recommended for shorter content.
Variables sectionConfig
, entry
will be available in the template
Shows 'info' icon by default
isActiveForEntry method
The Action
class implements a isActiveForEntry(Entry $entry)
method, which by default always return true.
You can create a custom class that overwrites this method and handles user roles/entry data.
// PublishAction.php
namespace modules\contentoverview\models;
use craft\elements\Entry;
use wsydney76\contentoverview\models\Action;
class PublishAction extends Action
public function isActiveForEntry(Entry $entry): bool
return // some complex logic here;